Question & Answer set 13: Britain in Europe and World

Question 1: When was the Council of Europe created?
option 1: 1941
option 2: 1945
option 3: 1949
option 4: 1957

Question 2: How many memebers are there in the Council of Europe
option 1: 25
option 2: 45
option 3: 50
option 4: 65

Question 3: Britain was founding member of The European Union
option 1: TRUE
option 2: FALSE

Question 4: How many EU memebers are there today?
option 1: 18
option 2: 22
option 3: 24
option 4: 25

Question 5: Which country is not part of Commonwealth?
option 1: New Zealand
option 2: Canada
option 3: USA
option 4: West Indies

Question 6: What part of worlds Population is under Commonwealth?
option 1: 10%
option 2: 20%
option 3: 30%
option 4: 40%

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