Question & Answer set 9: National Days and Holidays

Question 1: When is St David’s Day, the national day of Wales?
option 1: 1st March
option 2: 17th March
option 3: 23rd April
option 4: 30th November

Question 2: When is St Patrick’s Day, the national day of both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland?
option 1: 1st March
option 2: 17th March
option 3: 23rd April
option 4: 30th November

Question 3: When is St George’s Day, the national day of England?
option 1: 1st March
option 2: 17th March
option 3: 23rd April
option 4: 30th November

Question 4: When is t Andrew’s Day, the national day of Scotland?
option 1: 1st March
option 2: 17th March
option 3: 23rd April
option 4: 30th November

Question 5: During Christmas why do children hang up a long sock, stocking, or pillowcase at the foot of their bed, or around the fireplace?
option 1: It brings good luck
option 2: It makes them happy
option 3: For the parents to fill with presents.
option 4: For Father Christmas to fill with presents.

Question 6: The British Father Christmas travels from an area close to the South Pole
option 1: TRUE
option 2: FALSE

Question 7: When is the Boxing day celebrated.
option 1: 1st December
option 2: 26th December
option 3: 31st December
option 4: 1st January

Question 8: Mothering Sunday is the Sunday immediately after Easter
option 1: TRUE
option 2: FALSE

Question 9: When is rememberance day
option 1: 14th February
option 2: 1st April
option 3: 5th November
option 4: 11th November

Question 10: When is Easter?
option 1: Spring
option 2: Summer
option 3: Autumn
option 4: Winter

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