Question 1:How many children are there, upto the age of 19? option 1:10 million option 2:15 million option 3:20 million option 4:25 million Question 2:Most children in UK receiev pocket money: option 1:daily option 2:weekly option 3:monthly option 4:yearly Question 3:How many percentage of children live with both birth parents? option 1: 40% option 2: 55% option 3: 65% option 4: 75% Question 4:How many percentage of children live in single parent families? option 1: 25% option 2: 30% option 3: 35% option 4: 65% Question 5:How many percentage of children live within a step family? option 1: 10% option 2: 15% option 3: 18% option 4: 19% Question 6:Approximately at what age do young people give GCSE's? option 1: 14 years option 2: 15 years option 3: 16 years option 4: 17 years Question 7:Approximately at what age do young people give A/S levels? option 1: 16 years option 2: 17 years option 3: 18 years option 4: 19 years Question 8:Approximately at what age do young people give A levels? option 1: 16 years option 2: 17 years option 3: 18 years option 4: 19 years Question 9:One in two young people now move onto higher education after school. option 1:TRUE option 2:FALSE Question 10: Is child molestation by strangers an increasing danger? option 1: yes, because children play more often outside option 2: only in Northern Ireland option 3: yes, there is a strong increasing pattern option 4: there is no increase in child molestation cases Question 11: What is GCSE? option 1: Generalized Common Sense Examination option 2: Grant for Community Sponsored Education option 3: General Certificate of Secondary Education option 4: Geometry & Chemistry Simplified Exam Question 12: What does 'A' in A levels stand for option 1: Amateur option 2: Advanced option 3: Application option 4: Actual Question 13: At what age does compulsary testing take place option 1: 3, 7 and 11 option 2: 4, 6 and 10 option 3: 6, 10 and 13 option 4: 7, 11 and 14 Answers Set 3 |