Life in the United Kingdom Test
Question & Answer set 2

Question 1: When did women in Britain get right to divorce?
option 1: 1857
option 2: 1907
option 3: 1957
option 4: 1997

Question 2: Till which year did womens property belong to her husband?
option 1: 1800
option 2: 1882
option 3: 1918
option 4: 1928

Question 3: In which year did women get the right to vote?
option 1: 1882
option 2: 1901
option 3: 1918
option 4: 1928

Question 4:When women got the right to vote, the age at which men could vote was 21. What was the age of women who could vote
option 1: 18
option 2: 21
option 3: 28
option 4: 30

Question 5:When did women receive the same rights as men for voting?
option 1: 1918
option 2: 1928
option 3: 1938
option 4: 1948

Question 6:Women in Britain make make up 45% of population?
option 1:TRUE
option 2:FALSE

Question 7:Girls in UK leave school better qualified than boys?
option 1:TRUE
option 2:FALSE

Question 8:How much percentage of women with children of school age are in paid work?
option 1:25%
option 2:50%
option 3:75%
option 4:100%

Question 9:Women in Britain do not have the same access as men to promotion and better-paid jobs. True of False.
option 1:TRUE
option 2:FALSE

Question 10: Women in Britain make up how much percentage of workforce
option 1: 35%
option 2: 45%
option 3: 50%
option 4: 51%

Question 11: The average hourly pay for women is about the same as men
option 1: TRUE
option 2: FALSE



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